Text2Web Pro 2.3

Free It allows you to create webpages from text files or even text on your clipboard
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2.3.1 See all
Virdi Software
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Text2Web Pro is a comprehensive tool that allows you to create webpages from text files or even from text on your clipboard in a very easy way. With this program, you can create freestanding webpages or insert your text on previously existing ones. In addition, its window can be converted into a small floating bar, so that you can locate it anywhere on your screen and work much more easily.

The program's user interface consists of a single window where you can access all the program’s functions through a set of tabs. "Input/Output", the first tab, allows you to select the location - clipboard or file - for both the input and the output. This means you can copy a text and turn it into an HTML block directly on your clipboard, without needing to deal with disk files (though you can also do it that way if your prefer so). In this tab you can select whether it will be a freestanding page or not, and choose a format from a list of convenient pre-existing profiles.

In the "General" tab, on the other hand, you can define the font, size, and colors for normal text, links, visited links, and active links. In the case of a freestanding page, you can also set a title and the URL of a background image. In the "Extra text" tab, you are allowed to define a header and a footer for your page. However, this tab will only be active if you have chosen to create a freestanding webpage. Following is the "Translation" tab, where you can define the strings that should replace certain special symbols or other strings. The program includes about 26 symbol and 3 string predefined replacements, but of course you can add your own.

Finally, in the "Global" tab you can only change the default backup directory to be used by the program. Once your preferred configuration is ready, you can start converting text files or copied text into HTML blocks and insert it into your website very quickly and easily.

RS Senior editor
Ricardo Soria
Editor rating:

Review summary


  • Easy to use
  • Allows you to create freestanding pages or simple HTML blocks to be inserted on existing ones
  • You can convert a text into an HTML block directly on your clipboard
  • Allows you to define the font, size and colors for your generated webpages
  • You can add your own replacements to the existing ones for special symbols and strings


  • Poor visual design
  • There is a "View in Browser" button which supposedly allows you to see your generated HTML code in your default web browser; however, it does not appear to work correctly


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